President-elect Joe Biden will begin occupying the White House on Jan. 20. Photo: lucky-photographer/iStock / Getty Images Plus/Getty Images
Leaders at the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA) and Portland Cement Association (PCA) issued statements about the results of the 2020 presidential election, noting that they both look forward to working with the Biden administration on behalf of their members.
“We are excited about the potential for infrastructure investment,” says Mike Johnson, president and CEO of NSSGA. “We will be encouraging President-elect Biden to bring stakeholders to the table to finally realize meaningful infrastructure funding. We will also continue to fight for reasonable regulation based upon sound science.”
Mike Ireland, president and CEO of PCA, issued similar remarks as Johnson on infrastructure.
“By working together to invest in our nation’s crumbling infrastructure, we can provide economic relief to the country while creating thousands of well-paying jobs,” he says. “Additionally, we look forward to working with the Biden administration on creating market‐based policies and initiatives that will enable the cement industry’s continued reduction of its carbon footprint while preserving our industry’s global competitiveness. We will continue to urge our elected federal officials to enact liability protections to combat the threat of unreasonable COVID-19 related lawsuits.”
In his statement, Ireland also weighed in on the pathway forward for the cement and concrete industry.
“While there are many different viewpoints on issues that impact our nation, we can all agree that we need to break through partisan gridlock for the American people with collaboration and cooperation,” Ireland says.
The remarks from Johnson and Ireland follow statements issued on the presidential election outcome by the Association of Equipment Manufacturers, Associated Equipment Distributors and the Associated General Contractors of America.
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